
Sessions represent active connections with live implants. The C2 receives a callback from an implant containing basic information about the compromised machine.

Note: connections are managed server-side using 'long polling' - an implant waits indefinitely for a request from the server, and connects back once it has a response. This is one of many expected implant behaviours, including 'beacons' - otherwise an early disconnect would be reported as an error.

Players can view all sessions using the sessions command. Players can also use sessions, provided that they are not already in use by another player. To promote collaboration, all players can use any available session.

Players can choose to kill a session with an agent they compiled (or, for admins, any session) using the kill sub-command.

To exit a session, use the end-session command. This will not affect the connection in any way - just the interface.

Last updated